DSSAB – District Social Services Administration Board

Manage the Ontario Works data for your District Social Services Administration Board member sites with this comprehensive software

Summary of the Main Features

  • Clear, button-based access system allows you to easily view various sections.
  • Obtaining Data From the DSSAB Member Sites:

    • GWA-OW Calculator software user member sites upload their DSSAB data files to our secure server automatically each day upon logging in to the GWA-OW Calculator software. The files can also be uploaded to our server again at any time.
    • Using the Synchronize button in the DSSAB software ensures that you have the most recent data that has been uploaded to our server by the member sites.
    • The Synchronize option also checks to ensure that all required data files are present from each of the member sites.
  • Client Inquiry Feature:

    • Allows you to search for applicants, spouses, or dependents at member sites by the individual’s first name, last name, or by client ID.
    • You can also search by street address to view the individuals who reside in the same household.
    • The Client Inquiry screen displays important details such as the individual’s Social Insurance Number, Health Card number, Birth Date, etc. to determine if this is the correct client that you are looking for.
    • Identifies which member site the client is currently active in.
  • Job Orders Feature:

    • Add, modify, or delete job postings for your geographic area.
    • The job postings that you add to the DSSAB will be uploaded to our server when you synchronize your files. The job postings will then be downloaded by the GWA-OW Calculator software user member sites each day. The member sites can inform their social assistance clients of the job postings.


  • Application For Provincial Subsidy: The Application for Monthly Payment of Provincial Subsidy for Assistance (Form #3028) can be retrieved for an individual site, or you can roll up the data for all member sites to produce one consolidated application for the DSSAB. This can be done for a month, for a fiscal quarter or for a fiscal year.
  • Employment Statistics Report: Produce a report which can assist in completing the MCSS Ontario Works Budget Spreadsheet package for a member site, or you can roll up the data for all member sites to produce one consolidated report for the DSSAB. This can be done for a month, for a fiscal quarter, or for a fiscal year.
  • Supplementary Statistics Report: Generate a report for an individual site, or you can roll up the data for all member sites to produce one consolidated report for the DSSAB. This can be done for a month, for a fiscal quarter, or for a fiscal year.
  • Month-End Reports: View and/or print the PDF file of the month-end reports for an individual site for any given period.
  • Discretionary Benefits Tracking Spreadsheet: View and/or print this report for an individual site for a given year.

These are just a few of the many features that the software offers!

Complimentary Demonstration

We would be happy to provide you with a complimentary online demonstration of the DSSAB software. Please contact us or complete the Software Demonstration Request form.

Download the DSSAB software brochure.

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Description SKU Price
DSSAB Software (Single User) DSSAB-SU


Each Additional User DSSAB-AU $600.00