The decision to hire a consultant is an extremely important one.  You want a professional with proven experience dealing with the issues that are relevant to you, your community or your organization.

Mr. Alan D. Morrison, B.A., M.B.A., C.A.F.M., heads our consulting division and has been working with First Nations since 1974.  His knowledge of current management practices, organizational structures, federal and provincial regulations coupled with his financial background makes him a excellent team leader.

We offer a full range of consulting services to First Nation communities, organizations and corporate entities.

We also have a wide range of professional associates to draw upon to complete the most complex assignments.  These include: engineers, accountants, architects, planners, educators, and financial analysts.

Consulting services include:

  • Business Plan Development
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Needs Assessments
  • Remedial Management Plans (Recovery Plans)
  • Co-Management and Third Party Management
  • Major Project Management (Schools, Power Plants, Community Buildings)
  • Organizational Analysis & Restructuring
  • Management Training for Chief, Council and staff
  • Capital Planning Studies
  • Economic Development Plans
  • Band Administrator and Financial Officer training
  • Policies and Procedures Manual Development